Tumon Bay Capital Hotel

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(671) 646-3903/8
Hafa Adai
I am a tour operator from Russia.
I would like to make a contract with your hotel.
We have Charter flights to GUAM.
Please answer can you give contract for us.
Best Regards
Director of Paragon Travel Co. Ltd.
This hotel is pretty neat and simple. Very basic which was just what we needed.
Tumon Bay Capital Hotel is a bit far from the beach. In replace they have a nice, small and clean pool. In case you want to go to the beach then it won’t be too far though. The thing is you can save money by staying here rather than the other fancy hotels. It is presentable and comfortable as any other hotels too.
Their rooms were clean. The staff was friendly and they have a nice pool.
Tumon Bay Capital Hotel is one of our family’s favorite getaways. The rooms are clean and spacious. They have a decent pool and nice little restaurant.