HotProfile: Pia Resort Hotel


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4 Reviews for “Pia Resort Hotel Guam”
  1. July 30th, 2011
    Chi Says:

    It is very near downtown. That is why I picked this hotel. The room was comfortable but nothing too fancy. It was not cleaned well when I checked in, but one of their staff apologized and cleaned it. Everyone there was courteous and friendly.

  2. May 31st, 2011
    Tia Says:

    How can I make my reservation aside from calling?

  3. May 7th, 2011
    Hanzel Says:

    Our room was perfectly clean and the bed was soft enough for my liking. Their staff are all nice and cheerful.

  4. April 19th, 2011
    Tomako Says:

    Very convenient because it’s just walking distance to downtown. It’s not as luxurious as some other hotels, but it has a big area with bedrooms and laundry facilities available. Plus we were at ease because the owner is Japanese.

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Pia Resort Hotel in Guam. Guam Pia Resort Hotel.  Guam store, Guam Pia Resort Hotel | z 9:09 pm | Thursday, November 27, 2008 | HotGuam-Hotel | 21:05 | | 2009, September 25, Friday | Guam internet, 21:09 | Friday, September 25th, 2009 | 9:05 pm