Guam Reef Hotel

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Submit a QuikReview™ for: Guam Reef Hotel Guam |
(671) 646-6881/8
1317 Pale San Vitores Road, Tumon, Guam 96911
The rooms are great! They’re clean and cozy. I loved the staff for their friendliness and courtesy. I had a great time staying here.
They have a great staff. Their pool is amazing. I liked the room because it was clean and cozy.
We have just returned from a week at Guam Reef Hotel and I have to agree with the previous reviews here.
The hotel was super clean and their customer service was first class. Bravo to GRH!
Our stay in Guam Reef Hotel was a blast! The place has so much charm and personality and staff was courteous.
It is a pleasant hotel where you can stay awhile in Tumon. A perfect location since it’s near to many shops, bars and restaurants. This is good for party and night travelers like me. They have big rooms and a pretty nice pool. The rooms over look the perfect view of the blue ocean.
The concierge service at the Guam Reef Hotel has been possibly the greatest I’ve ever encountered. They provided me with remarkable space, awesome scene and impressive service.