Pacific Islands Club

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Pacific Islands Club, 210 Pale San Vitores Road, Tamuning, Guam 96913
Every time my family and I visit Guam, we stay in Pacific Islands Club. They have a great staff. They are courteous and friendly. There are also a lot of stuff to do here. I don’t remember staying in our room much because I was always out in the beach or the pools. Don’t get me wrong, their rooms are comfortable and spacious, but it’s always fun outside even at night because of the different activities they have to offer.
We had another week vacation at Pacific Islands Club. For the second time around the view, the service, and the staff were all outstanding.
We’re looking forward to our next summer in the same spot.
We’ve spent the nights right here twice at this point, and wouldn’t think of staying elsewhere. The hotel itself was huge and fabulous filled with too many amenities. Their employees were all pleasant and professional. They just did everything right from the complimentary airport pick up till the drop off.
I had a great deal with Pacific Islands Club since I am a navy. My family and I stayed at one of their beautiful Penthouse Suites. We had a blast and everything turned out more that what we are expecting. It was awesome. I am sure will come back.
The number 1 destination for Guam.
Not only are you right on Tumon Bay, but if you somehow get tired of being on the best beach in the Pacific (Tumon Bay), then you can participate in many other resort activities.
PIC is like its own city. You can easily stay there for a 3 day trip without seeing any other part of Guam, and still feel totally fulfilled in your vacation. It is the best beach resort I’ve ever been to (and I’ve been all over the world).
If you only have 3 days to vacation, and you are a family, couple to be wedded, romance seekers, etc., then PIC should be your best choice.
NOTE: if you somehow know a local (with a valid Guam Driver’s License) you can get discounted prices for Room + Resort Access. From what I’ve seen, you can get an almost 50% discount! You can get an extra 10% discount if you know a Military member stationed in Guam. In Summary, try to know someone in Guam before you book your room. If you don’t, that’s okay too. This Beach Hotel Resort is definitely worth the money. I still don’t understand why they allow locals and local military discounts because they seem to be always booked.
Word of advice: book at least a month in advance, because Pacific Islands Club Guam seems to be always full. This is coming from a local, so take it from me: book a month in advance (regardless of whether you are a Local, Military or Tourist).
P.S. Make sure you check out their Lunch Buffet (I think the restaurant is called the Sky Light, but I’m not sure). It costs around $20, and it is the best buffet I’ve ever seen (and like I said, I’ve been all over the world). It is an excellent blend of Pacific + Asian cuisine, some of it Fusion, some of it purely regional. Not to mention that they have free beer on draft.