Tumon Horizon Hotel

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Submit a QuikReview™ for: Tumon Horizon Hotel Guam |
(671) 649-9332
I love the staff, they were the best and most friendly staff I have ever seen. I loved the condition of the hotel, and the food was brilliant and OF 5 STAR STANDARD.
I found the hotel to be extremely disappointing,
I could not find it for the first 10 years that I looked for it in Guam. I was disappointed in the attractiveness of the staff and I think you should amend this quickly. Speaking of which I would love to apply and work for you, despite being the best looking out of everyone I will try my hardest to teach them how to be b-e-a-utiful(and fabulous)
Definitely not a fancy hotel but was clean enough and quiet for a good stay.
Presentable and clean enough for a short stay. Their rates are affordable.
Tumon Horizon Hotel has good service and friendly staff. Not that too pricey so they are good for those on budget. I can’t say any complain during my stay.