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Submit a QuikReview™ for: Outrigger Guam |
(671) 649-9000
1255 Pale San Vitores Road, Tamuning, Guam 96913
Our stay at Outrigger was great! I am personally delighted with our neat and spacious room.
Their great amenities and awesome customer service exceeded our expectations. I would never think of checking in at some hotels aside from here.
The service in Outrigger was simply the best! I have stayed here for many times. It was like my second home.
Perfect location with amazing views. Excellent, helpful and friendly staff. Walking distance to shopping areas and restaurants. It was hard to leave!
The glorious honor of this resort (Outrigger) is actually their concierge staff, each of whom would not happen to be far more pleasant, flexible or even professional within their dealings with us.