Onward Beach Resort

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(671) 647-7777
445 Governor Carlos G. Camacho Road, Tamuning, Guam 96913
My kids enjoyed the water park. I got to relax and swim in the pool. I cannot wait to go back and spend time with my kids again.
If your tired with the beach, have fun with their big water parks and slides. It will for sure make your stay thrilled and one of a kind, just like what we had.
From the moment we arrive until the resort shuttle dropped us at the airport, everything was just a blast. I had so much fun with their water park and slides as if went back to being a kid again. lol
What a great place to getaway from the busy city life. I had a nice view of the ocean, and outside my room were rocking chairs to relax in while looking at the water. I can’t wait to go back.