Holiday Resort

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(671) 647-7272
871 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam 96913
The place is nice. The staff were courteous and addressed my requests. I enjoyed going to their spa. I am definitely staying here when I go back to Guam.
I highly recommend Holiday Resort for leisure and business trips to everyone, as they provide outstanding service on both sides (internet access, spa, gift shops and many more).
Rooms were neat and huge. Staff were all courteous and very attentive to my requests, plus they are really cheerful.
The room had no noise, and it was very large. It had an amazing ocean view and a full, clean kitchen. Their spa is just one of their advantages over the other hotels.
Thanks to Holiday Resort! Their staff was amazing, service was warm and rooms were clean. I will surely be back here.
Holiday Resort is not as fancy as the other hotels I have visited previously, however they are top notch for their masseuse and customer service :D.