Mai’Ana Airport Plaza

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Submit a QuikReview™ for: Mai’Ana Airport Plaza Guam |
(671) 646-6961
It was an okay stay at Mai’Ana Airport Plaza. I liked their staff. They gave me good directions to interesting places in the area. They were very friendly.
I am looking for a basic place to stay that wouldn’t cost me too much. I need a quotation for 4 days and 3 nights stay (group of 6). Thanks
Mai’Ana Airport Plaza was a great hotel in Tamuning! I had everything I needed. They have a clean room, lovely kitchen and good location.
It did have a fridge which had been really nice to help keep my beverages and snacks cool. Their staff members were pleasant and gave me tips for which place to go and what things to see. They provided pick-up and drop-off at the airport at no cost.