Alupang Beach Tower

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(671) 649-9666
999 South Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam 96913
It is in a great location. The views are amazing. I loved staying here with my family.
I’ve been at Alupang Beach Tower more than twice so I’m sure that all of their rooms have the magnificent view of Hagatna Bay.
This hotel has a perfect location, vibe, and staff.
Every hotel could be spotlessly clean as Alupang Beach Tower, but not every hotel has a highly trained staff whose job is to please their guests. This hotel sure knows how to pamper their guests. ^_^
I stayed here in Alupang Beach Tower several times for many weeks. It’s first in my list. The hotel is well-known because of its great location and breathtaking ocean view.
To the Alupang Beach Tower staff keep up thew good work. Without your outstanding customer service I would personally think twice about returning here.