HotProfile: Guam Airport Hotel


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6 Reviews for “Guam Airport Hotel Guam”
  1. April 12th, 2014
    Toshiki Iijima Says:

    Do you have the monthly rate ?

  2. March 19th, 2012
    Pat Perez Says:

    What is your fee for a 30-day extended stay? Does the room include a kitchenette?

  3. August 5th, 2011
    David Vernon Says:

    The hotel had everything I needed for my short stay in Guam. The staff were very accommodating. It’s nothing fancy but it was enough for me.

  4. May 31st, 2011
    Dew Says:

    I want to know how this hotel looks like. Anyone who has their photos?

  5. April 20th, 2011
    Jack Says:

    The hotel was very affordable and the hotel staff were all friendly and warm.

  6. February 8th, 2010
    Chixxx Says:

    This place wasn’t too huge but homey. They have all what we need on our 3 days of stay. Their great rates broght us here and the nice service we had from their staff will make us return.

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Guam Airport Hotel in Guam. Guam Guam Airport Hotel.  Guam products, Guam Guam Airport Hotel | z 5:34 am | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | HotGuam-Hotel | 0:36 | | 2009, February 16, Monday | guam vacation, 5:34 | Monday, February 16th, 2009 | 12:36 am